© National Instruments Corporation 4-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Debugging Your Application
This chapter describes several ways to debug your application.
NI Spy
The NI Spy utility monitors NI-488.2 API calls made by NI-488.2
applications. It records NI-488.2 API input and output values from all
Win32, Win16, and DOS NI-488.2 applications.
To start NI Spy, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore
GPIB to start Measurement & Automation Explorer.
2. Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking on the + next
to the folder.
3. Right-click on your GPIB interface and select NI Spy from the
drop-down menu that appears.
4. On the NI Spy toolbar, click on the blue arrow button to start a capture.
5. Start the NI-488.2 application that you want to monitor.