© National Instruments Corporation G-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Prefix Meaning Value
n- nano- 10
m- milli- 10
M- mega- 10
acceptor handshake Listeners use this GPIB interface function to receive data, and all devices
use it to receive commands. See source handshake and handshake.
access board The GPIB board that controls and communicates with the devices on the
bus that are attached to it.
ANSI American National Standards Institute.
API Application Programming Interface
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
asynchronous An action or event that occurs at an unpredictable time with respect to the
execution of a program.
automatic serial
A feature of the GPIB software in which serial polls are executed
automatically by the driver whenever a device asserts the GPIB SRQ line.
Also called autopolling.
base I/O address See I/O address.
BIOS Basic Input/Output System.
board-level function A rudimentary function that performs a single operation.