© National Instruments Corporation D-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Windows 98/95:
Troubleshooting and
Common Questions
This appendix describes how to troubleshoot problems and answers some
common questions about the NI-488.2 software for Windows 98/95.
Troubleshooting EDVR Error Conditions
In some cases, NI-488.2 calls may return with the ERR bit set in
the value EDVR in
. The value stored in
is useful in
troubleshooting the error condition.
EDVR Error Condition with ibcntl Set to 0xE028002C (–534249428)
If a call is made with an interface number that is within the range of allowed
interface numbers (typically 0 to 3), but which has not been assigned to a
GPIB interface, an EDVR error condition occurs with
set to
0xE028002C. You can assign an interface number to a GPIB interface by
configuring the NI-488.2 software and selecting an interface name. For
information about how to configure the NI-488.2 software, refer to the
online help in the NI-488.2 Configuration utility, as follows:
1. Select Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore
GPIB to start Measurement & Automation Explorer.
2. Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking on the + next
to the folder.
3. Right-click on your GPIB interface and select Properties from the
drop-down menu that appears.
EDVR Error Condition with ibcntl Set to 0xE0140025 (–535560155)
If a call is made with an interface number that is not within the range of
allowed interface numbers (typically 0 to 3), an EDVR error condition
occurs with
set to 0xE0140025.