Appendix A Manual Clarifications and Additions
LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum A-10
National Instruments Corporation
1073676421 VI_WARN_UNKNOWN_STATUS The status code passed to the operation could not be
1073676420 VI_WARN_NSUP_ATTR_STATE Although the specified state of the attribute is valid, it is
not supported by this resource implementation.
1073676418 VI_WARN_NULL_OBJECT The specified object reference is uninitialized.
1073676416 VI_SUCCESS_QUEUE_NEMPTY Wait terminated successfully on receipt of an event
notification. There is at least one more event occurrence
of the type specified by inEventType available for this
1073676413 VI_SUCCESS_DEV_NPRESENT Session opened successfully, but the device at the
specified address is not responding.
1073676407 VI_WARN_CONFIG_NLOADED The specified configuration either does not exist or
could not be loaded. VISA-specified defaults will be
1073676294 VI_SUCCESS_MAX_CNT The number of bytes transferred is equal to the input
1073676293 VI_SUCCESS_TERM_CHAR The specified termination character was read.
1073676292 VI_SUCCESS_QUEUE_EMPTY Operation completed successfully, but queue was
already empty.
1073676291 VI_SUCCESS_EVENT_DIS Specified event is already disabled for at least one of the
specified mechanisms.
1073676290 VI_SUCCESS_EVENT_EN Specified event is already enabled for at least one of the
specified mechanisms.
-1073807202 VI_ERROR_LIBRARY_NFOUND A code library required by VISA could not be located or
-1073807204 VI_ERROR_SESN_NLOCKED The current session did not have a lock on the resource.
-1073807215 VI_ERROR_INV_MODE Invalid mode specified.
-1073807229 VI_ERROR_INV_LENGTH Invalid length specified.
-1073807240 VI_ERROR_INV_PARAMETER The value of some parameter (which parameter is not
known) is invalid.
-1073807246 VI_ERROR_RSRC_BUSY The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently
access it.
-1073807247 VI_ERROR_USER_BUF A specified user buffer is not valid or cannot be accessed
for the required size.
-1073807248 VI_ERROR_NSUP_ALIGN_OFFSET The specified offset is not properly aligned for the
access width of the operation.
Error Code Error Name Description