Appendix A Manual Clarifications and Additions
National Instruments Corporation A-11 LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum
-1073807252 VI_ERROR_ASRL_OVERRUN An overrun error occurred during transfer. A character
was not read from the hardware before the next
character arrived.
-1073807253 VI_ERROR_ASRL_FRAMING A framing error occurred during transfer.
-1073807254 VI_ERROR_ASRL_PARITY A parity error occurred during transfer.
-1073807263 VI_ERROR_NSYS_CNTLR The interface associated with this session is not the
system controller.
-1073807271 VI_ERROR_RESP_PENDING A previous response is still pending, causing a multiple
query error.
-1073807275 VI_ERROR_NSUP_VAR_WIDTH Cannot support source and destination widths that are
-1073807278 VI_ERROR_INV_WIDTH Invalid access width specified.
-1073807301 VI_ERROR_QUEUE_ERROR Unable to queue the asynchronous operation.
-1073807303 VI_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS Unable to queue the asynchronous operation because
there is already an operation in progress.
-1073807312 VI_ERROR_ABORT User abort occurred during transfer.
-1073807313 VI_ERROR_NENABLED You must be enabled for events of the specified type in
order to receive them.
-1073807315 VI_ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW The event queue for the specified type has overflowed
(usually due to previous events not having been closed).
-1073807327 VI_ERROR_INV_ACCESS_KEY The access key to the specified resource is invalid.
-1073807328 VI_ERROR_INV_LOCK_TYPE The specified type of lock is not supported by this
-1073807333 VI_ERROR_INV_DEGREE Specified degree is invalid.
Error Code Error Name Description