Chapter 1 Required Configuration, Installation, and Upgrade Information
LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum 1-4
National Instruments Corporation
Operating System Patches
For your LabVIEW package to run effectively, be sure to install the
following patches.
Concurrent PowerMAX
LabVIEW 5.1 requires version 4.2 or later of the PowerMAX operating
system. In addition, you must install the following patches, available from
Concurrent, so that basic LabVIEW networking functions correctly:
• inet-005
• One of the following, depending on your system:
– base-007 for Power Hawk 610, Power Hawk 620, and all
single-processor PowerStack systems
– base-008 for Power Hawk 640 and multi-processor
PowerStackII systems
– base-009 for Night Hawk systems
HP-UX Distributed on CD.
LabVIEW runs on
Model9000 Series 700
computers with HP-UX
10.20 or later.
HP workstations limit the size of a process
such as LabVIEW to 64 MB. You may need
to increase this setting to accommodate your
LabVIEW application. For information on
changing this setting, see the HP-UX 10.x
section under Installing LabVIEW.
Linux Distributed on CD.
LabVIEW runs on Linux for
Intel x86 processors,
version2.0.x or later.
Requires GNU C Library Version 2
glibc2, also known as libc.so.6).
RedHat Linux 5.0 or later includes the
glibc2 runtime library.
Distributed on 4 mm
LabVIEW runs on
PowerMAX version4.2
See the Operating System Patches section
for Concurrent PowerMAX below for
information on the patches you must
download to run LabVIEW.
Table 1-1.
Installation Requirements (Continued)
Media and System
Important Notes