Chapter 2 New Features in LabVIEW 5.1
National Instruments Corporation 2-61 LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum
The syntax to use in the URL for static front panel images is as follows
(parameters in brackets [ ] are optional):
VI_Name is the name of the returned VI front panel. You must encode the
VI name according to HTTP conventions. Replace special characters with
, where
is the hexadecimal value of the character.
Type is the returned image type, either JPEG or PNG. If no type is
specified, the default type is used.
Depth is the depth of the returned image. Depth can be 1, 4, 8, or 24 bits.
If no depth is specified, the default depth is used.
Quality is the image quality and memory size of the JPEG front panel
image. Quality can be between 0 and 100. If no quality is specified, the
default quality is used.
Compression is the compression level used for compressing PNG images.
Compression can be between 0 and 7. If no compression is specified, the
default PNG compression is used.
Refresh is number of seconds between each succeeding image.
Full specifies whether to return the image of all controls or just the part
visible in the window. Set full to on to indicate all controls and off to
indicate the window content. If no full is specified, the image of the visible
front panel in the window is returned.