Appendix A Manual Clarifications and Additions
National Instruments Corporation A-9 LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum
• In Chapter 6, Strings and File I/O, the block diagram in Activity 6-3,
String Subsets and Number Extraction, shows the From
Exponential/Fract/Eng function. The block diagram should show the
Scan From String function, as described in the text.
• In Chapter 7, Getting Started with a LabVIEW Instrument Driver, the
Interactively Testing Component VIs section describes how to access
open VISA sessions. On the pop-up menu of a VISA session control,
if Open Sessions... is always grayed out, make sure that the
Automatically Close VISA Sessions option in
Edit»Preferences»Miscellaneous is unchecked.
• In Chapter 15, Spectrum Analysis and Measurement, the pathname for
library that includes the THD Example VI in Activity 15-3, Calculate
Harmonic Distortion, should be
(Windows 95) In the Using NetDDE section of Chapter 23, Using DDE,
the manual refers to
REGEDIT and REDEGIT executables. The correct
name is
• In Chapter 25, Program-to-Program Communication, the PPC Client
Example section refers to the PPC Open Connection, PPC Open
Session, PPC Close Session, and PPC Close Connection VIs. These
should be the PPC Open Port, PPC Start Session, PPC End Session,
and PPC Close Port VIs, respectively. The PPC Server Example
section refers to the PPC Close Session VI, which should be the PPC
End Session VI.
VISA Error Codes
The following table lists numeric VISA error codes that were not included
in the printed documentation.
Error Code Error Name Description
VI_SUCCESS_SYNC Operation completed successfully, but the operation was
actually synchronous rather than asynchronous.
VI_SUCCESS_NESTED_EXCLUSIVE Operation completed successfully, and this session has
nested exclusive locks.
VI_SUCCESS_NESTED_SHARED Operation completed successfully, and this session has
nested shared locks.
VI_SUCCESS_NCHAIN Event handled successfully. Do not invoke any other
handlers on this session for this event.
VI_WARN_NSUP_BUF The specified I/O buffer is not supported.