Router Redundancy Commands
This example displays the brief listing of status information for all groups.
Table 4-109 show vrrp - display description
Field Description
State VRRP role of this interface (master or backup)
Virtual IP
Virtual address that identifies this VRRP group
Virtual MAC
Virtual MAC address derived from the owner of the virtual IP address
Interval at which the master virtual router advertises its role as the master
Preemption Shows whether or not a higher priority router can preempt the current acting master
Min delay Delay before a router with a higher priority can preempt the current acting master
Priority Priority of this router
Authentication Authentication mode used to verify VRRP packets
Key used to authenticate VRRP packets received from other routers
Master Router IP address of the router currently acting as the VRRP group master
Master priority The priority of the router currently acting as the VRRP group master
The advertisement interval configured on the VRRP master.
Master down
The down interval configured on the VRRP master
(This interval is used by all the routers in the group regardless of their local settings)
Console#show vrrp brief
Interface Grp State Virtual addr Int Pre Prio
vlan 1 1 Master 5 E 1
Table 4-110 show vrrp brief - display description
Field Description
Interface VLAN interface
Grp VRRP group
State VRRP role of this interface (master or backup)
Virtual addr Virtual address that identifies this VRRP group
Int Interval at which the master virtual router advertises its role as the master
Pre Shows whether or not a higher priority router can preempt the current acting master
Prio Priority of this router