Command Line Interface
clear ip igmp group
This command deletes entries from the IGMP cache.
clear ip igmp group [group-address | interface vlan vlan-id]
• group-address - IP address of the multicast group.
• vlan-id - VLAN ID (Range: 1-4094)
Default Setting
Deletes all entries in the cache if no options are selected.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
Enter the address for a multicast group to delete all entries for the specified
group. Enter the interface option to delete all multicast groups for the specified
interface. Enter no options to clear all multicast groups from the cache.
The following example clears all multicast group entries for VLAN 1:
show ip igmp groups
This command displays information on multicast groups active on this switch.
show ip igmp groups [group-address | interface vlan vlan-id]
• group-address - IP address of the multicast group.
• vlan-id - VLAN ID (Range: 1-4094)
Default Setting
Displays information for all known groups.
Command Mode
Normal Exec, Privileged Exec
Command Usage
• This command displays information for multicast groups learned via IGMP,
not static groups.
• If the switch receives an IGMP Version 1 Membership Report, it sets a timer
to note that there are Version 1 hosts present which are members of the group
for which it heard the report.
Console#clear ip igmp group interface vlan 1