Regular checks 201
Reinstalling vehicle battery 262
Remote control
Changing battery 243
Global locking 85
Global unlocking 85
Synchronizing 244
Unlocking liftgate 85
Unlocking the driver’s door, fuel filler
flap 85
Unlocking with 32
Remote control with folding key 84
Remote controls
Integrated 169
Remote door unlock
With Tele Aid* 167
Remote Vehicle Diagnostics 295
Head restraint 92
Vehicle battery 262
Wheel 257
Wiper blades 254
Removing spare wheel (except
ML 55 AMG) 239
Removing spare wheel (ML 55 AMG) 240
Backup lamp bulbs 251
Brake lamp bulbs 251
Bulbs 247
Front lamp bulbs 249
Front turn signal bulbs 249
Fuses 271
High beam bulbs 250
High mounted brake lamp 252
License plate lamp bulbs 252
Low beam bulbs 249
Rear fog lamp bulbs 251
Rear lamp bulbs 248, 251
Rear parking lamp bulbs 251
Rear side marker lamp bulbs 251
Rear standing lamp bulbs 251
Rear turn signal bulbs 251
Wiper blades 254
Replacing front fog lamp bulb 251
Safety defects 19
Service indicator (FSS) 216
Trip odometer 112
Residual heat utilization 130, 295
Residual ventilation 130
REST (Residual engine heat utilization) 295
Restraint system 295
Restraint system see Infant and child re-
straint systems 63, 67
Restraint systems 54
Airbags 54
Child seat recognition 54
Child seats 54
Emergency tensioning device (ETD) 54
Lower anchors and tethers for children
(LATCH) 54
Seat belts 54
Returning from off-road driving 191
Rims 279
Roadside assistance 12
Tele Aid* 163
Rolling code programming 170
RON 200
RON (Research Octane Number) 296
Roof rack 145
Rotating wheels 212
Rubber parts
Cleaning 222