Driving instructions
Driving instructions
Drive sensibly – save fuel
Fuel consumption, to a great extent, de-
pends on driving habits and operating con-
To save fuel you should:
ț Keep tires at the recommended infla-
tion pressures
ț Remove unnecessary loads
ț Allow engine to warm up under low
load use
ț Avoid frequent acceleration and decel-
ț Have all maintenance work performed
at regular intervals by an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center
Fuel consumption is also increased by driv-
ing in cold weather, in stop-and-go traffic,
on short trips and in hilly country.
Drinking and driving Pedals
Power assistance
Warning! G
Drinking and driving and/or taking drugs
and driving are a very dangerous combina-
tion. Even a small amount of alcohol or
drugs can affect your reflexes, perceptions
and judgement.
The possibility of a serious or even fatal ac-
cident is sharply increased when you drink
or take drugs and drive.
Don’t drink or take drugs and drive or allow
anyone to drive after drinking or taking
Warning! G
Keep driver’s foot area clear at all times. Ob-
jects stored in this area may impair pedal
Warning! G
When the engine is not running, there is no
power assistance for the steering system. In
this case, it is important to keep in mind that
a considerably higher degree of effort is nec-
essary to steer the vehicle.