Operator’s Manual
The Service Booklet describes all the nec-
essary maintenance work which should be
performed at regular intervals.
Always have the Service Booklet with you
when you take the vehicle to your autho-
rized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center
for service. The service advisor will record
each service in the booklet for you.
Roadside Assistance
The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance
Program provides factory-trained technical
help in the event of a breakdown. Calls to
the toll-free Roadside Assistance number
1-800-FOR-MERCedes (in the USA)
1-800-387-0100 (in Canada)
will be answered by Mercedes-Benz Cus-
tomer Assistance Representatives
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Roadside Assistance will be provided in ac-
cordance with standard program guide-
lines which include providing service to the
vehicle up to a reasonable distance from a
paved roadway. We will make every effort
to assist in a breakdown situation, howev-
er, the accessibility of your vehicle will be
determined by our authorized Mer-
cedes-Benz Light Truck Center technician
or the tow service provider on a
case-by-case basis and may be a factor in
our ability to respond.
Additional charges may be applicable for a
breakdown location determined not to be a
reasonably accessible roadside location as
determined by our authorized technician
and tow service provider.
For additional information refer to the
Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance Pro-
gram brochure in your glove box.
Change of address or ownership
If you change your address, be sure to
send in the “Change of Address Notice”
found in the Service and Warranty Informa-
tion Booklet, or simply call the
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance
Center (in the USA) at
1-800-FOR-MER-Cedes, or Customer Ser-
vice (in Canada) at 1-800-387-0100. It is in
your own interest that we can contact you
should the need arise.
If you sell your Mercedes, please leave all
literature with the vehicle to make it avail-
able to the next operator.
If you bought this vehicle used, be sure to
send in the “Notice of Purchase of Used
Car” found in the Service and Warranty In-
formation Booklet, or call the
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Cen-
ter (in the USA) at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes,
or Customer Service (in Canada) at