Driving instructions
Vehicle and trailer weights and ratings
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is the
maximum permissible vehicle weight:
6614 lbs. (3000 kg).
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW):
Comprises weight of vehicle including fuel,
tools, spare wheel, installed accessories,
passengers, cargo and trailer tongue. It
must never exceed the GVWR.
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) is the
maximum permissible axle weight:
Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) is the maxi-
mum permissible trailer weight to be
5000 lbs. (2260 kg)
Trailer Tongue Weight Rating (TWR) is the
maximum permissible weight on the trailer
500 lbs. (225 kg) limit for Mercedes-Benz
approved hitch receiver
Loading a trailer
ț When loading a trailer, you should ob-
serve that neither the permissible GTW,
nor the GVWR are exceeded.
Maximum permissible values are listed
on the safety compliance certification
labels for the vehicle and for the trailer
to be towed.
The lowest value listed must be select-
ed when determining how the vehicle
and trailer are loaded.
ț The tongue weight at the hitch ball
must be added to the GVW to prevent
exceeding your Mercedes-Benz tow ve-
hicle’s rear GAWR.
Checking weights of vehicle and trailer
ț To assure that the tow vehicle and trail-
er are in compliance with the maximum
permissible weight limits have the load-
ed rig (tow vehicle including driver, pas-
sengers and cargo, trailer fully loaded)
weighed on a commercial scale.
ț Check the vehicle’s front and rear
Gross Axle Weight (GAW), the GTW and
The values as measured must not be
exceeded, according to the weight list-
ed under “Vehicle and trailer weight
and ratings”.
2976 lbs.
3858 lbs
(1350 kg)
(1750 kg)
We recommend loading the trailer in
such a manner that it has a tongue
weight (TW) between 10% and 15% of
the GTW.