
Driving instructions
Driving downhill
ț Select gear range 1 on the automatic
transmission (
page 114).
ț Drive downhill observing the same
rules as driving uphill (
page 187).
ț The special LOW RANGE – ABS setting
allows for precise and brief (cyclical)
blocking of the front wheels, permitting
them to dig into loose ground.
Remember that the front wheels when
stopped, slide across a surface, thus
loose their ability to steer the vehicle.
Driving through water
1 20 in (50 cm)
ț Before driving through water, deter-
mine its depth. It should not be deeper
than approximately 20 inches (50 cm).
ț Switch to LOW RANGE mode before
driving through water (
page 118).
ț Switch off the exterior lamps as well as
the climate control.
ț Enter the water only at a shallow spot.
Never take a running start.
ț Drive slowly, avoiding a bow wave.
ț Do not stop vehicle immersed in water,
and do not shut off the engine.
ț To dry the brakes, apply pressure to the
brake pedal several times after leaving
the water.