Digital X Bus
Then, when you have time, read this owner's
manual. It contains descriptions of every knob,
button, and slider on the console, and all the menus
and windows on the touchscreens.
Throughout this manual you’ll fi nd illustrations
with each feature numbered. If you want to know
more about a feature, simply locate it on the appro-
priate illustration, notice the number attached to it,
and fi nd that number in the nearby paragraphs.
This icon marks information that
is critically important or unique
to the X.200. For your own good,
read them and remember them.
They will be on the fi nal test.
This icon leads you to in-depth
explanations of features and prac-
tical tips. While not mandatory,
they usually have some valuable
nugget of information.
Note: If you are unfamiliar with using a digital
mixing console, refer to "Operational Basics" in the
X.200 Quick-Start Guide for information on fader
banks, V-Pot controls, and using the touchscreen.
Please write your serial number here for future
reference (i.e., insurance claims, tech support,
return authorization, etc.)
Purchased at:
Date of purchase:
Thank you for choosing a Mackie Digital X Bus
for your next-generation digital recording console.
The Digital X Bus offers you the fl exibility to confi g-
ure it for virtually any recording application through
its extended card cage and I/O routing options.
And it was designed with the ability to upgrade as
advancements are made in digital recording technol-
ogy. But with 32-bit fl oating point processing, you
have more power than just about any other digital
mixing console in its class.
If you have any experience using a digital mix-
ing console, like our D8B, you’ll fi nd that using the
Digital X Bus is very similar and you’ll be mixing
away in no time. If this is your fi rst experience with
digital mixing, we’ll run you through some of the
unique aspects of using a digital mixing console.
You will fi nd that once you’ve learned these differ-
ences and the incredible fl exibility that digital mix-
ing has to offer, you will have a very short learning
curve, and wonder how you have lived without the
power of digital mixing for so long.
We know that many of you can’t wait to get your
new Digital X Bus hooked up, and you’re probably
not going to read the manual fi rst (sigh!). So refer
to the Digital X Bus Quick-Start Guide to help you
get the mixer set up fast so you can start using it
right away. At the end of the Quick-Start Guide are
some hook-up diagrams that show typical hookups
for tracking, mixdown, and using the Digital X Bus
with a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).