
Digital X Bus
Floating Insert Send
Click the Floating Insert Send drop-down box
to select where to send the channels oating
insert send. You can use any I/O cards output.
Typically, you would use this to send the signal
to an external processor, and return the signal
to the channel using the Floating Insert Return.
Floating Insert Return
Click the Floating Insert Return drop-down
box to select where to return the oating insert
signal. You can use any I/O cards input.
Phase Reverse
Click the Phase Reverse button to invert the
polarity of the signal by 180º.
Digital Trim
The Digital Trim allows you to adjust the input
level just after the A/D converter and before the
channel DSP.
Provides a method to trim the input signal when
using Digital I/O cards.
Adds delay to the selected channel. Ranges
from 0 ms to 500 ms. This can be manually ad-
justed with the V-Pot, or automatically adjusted
when using the Adjust Channel Delay feature
(Channel > Adjust Channel Delay).
Bus Assigns
Click the Bus Assigns buttons to assign the
output of the channel strip to Bus 1-8 and the
L-R bus.