
Owner's Manual
Owner's Manual
Faders to Off (Ctrl+[)
Sets the selected channel faders to off.
Affects faders only (including Master L/R faders).
Does not affect any other channel parameters.
Adjust Channel Delay…
This features provides a means to shift chan-
nels in time, relative to each other.
Select the channels that will remain at the
original position; all unselected channels will
be offset by the selected number of samples
Use to compensate for phase and timing dis-
crepancies in a synchronization scenario or any
multitrack playback/record device setup.
For example, if you place a plug-in with 100
samples of delay on a channel, the audio will be
behind the rest of the channels by that amount.
To compensate, you would select the channel,
choose Adjust Channel Delay and enter a
value of 100.
The Channel Delay control appears in the As-
sign window for the selected channel.
Reset Channel Delay…
This resets the delay to 0 ms on the selected
To reset all channels, Select All Faders
(Alt+Shift+A), then select Reset Channel Delay.
Reset Selected Channels
Resets the selected channels to their default
settings (L/R assign, Level to Tape and Digital
Trim to 0 dB, EQ on and at, Auxes off, Pan
centered, Fader off, Gate and Compressor off
and at default settings).
Select Fader Bank (Alt+A)
Selects all 24 channels in the currently selected
fader bank for clipboard, automation, and other
operations pertaining to multiple channel modi-
Select All Faders (Alt+Shift+A)
Selects all 118 channels in ve fader banks (not
counting MIDI) for clipboard, automation, and
other operations pertaining to multiple channel
modi cations.
The Options Menu
The Options menu contains:
Solo Latch
DAW Emulation Mode
Faders To Tape
Route to Bank
Bank to Outputs
Solo Latch
When Solo Latch is selected (a checkmark ap-
pears next to Solo Latch in the Options menu),
you can solo more than one channel at a time.
When Solo Latch is off, only one channel may
be soloed at a time.
You can manually solo more than one channel
when Solo Latch is off by pressing the Shift key
while soloing multiple channels.
Automation Submenu
Selecting this option mirrors the BYPASS but-
ton on the console.
When Bypass is selected, automation data is
neither recorded nor played back.
When Bypass is not selected, all write-selected
parameter adjustments are written into automa-
tion data and referenced to time code.
Selecting Trim mirrors the TRIM button on the
Sets all faders to unity position (when Trim
From Unity is selected in the Windows < Auto-
mation window) and assigns all parameter con-
trols (except mutes) to globally add or subtract
from existing settings and recorded moves.