
Owner's Manual
Owner's Manual
sign the output sources to virtually any signal path
in the Digital X Bus, and con gure other parameters
speci cally related to the card.
The Mix Card setup allows you to select the out-
put source for AES/EBU, Phones 1 and 2, Mix Out,
and Speaker Out 1 and 2.
The Sync Card setup has options for Sample
Clock, Sample Rate, Time Code Source, Frame Rate,
Clock In Adjust, and Clock Out Adjust.
Tools Submenu
There are two choices in the Tools submenu, Au-
dio Toolbox and System Info.
Audio Toolbox (Ctrl+T)
The Audio Toolbox has a built-in spectrum ana-
lyzer, and setup for three built-in oscillator sources.
The spectrum analyzer allows you to view the
spectral characteristics of a signal in real time,
where the horizontal axis represents frequency and
the vertical axis represents amplitude. There are
two inputs to the spectrum analyzer, so you can
select different sources for the two inputs (Input 1
and Input 2 drop-down boxes) and compare their
spectral content. For example, you might want
to compare the left and right sides of a nal mix
to con rm that their overall frequency responses