
Digital X Bus
Dynamics (Ctrl+5)
This opens the Dynamics window for the selected
channel, which contains controls for the Compres-
sor and Gate.
ON Button
The compressor and gate each have an On/Off
button, located at the top of their respective dis-
plays. It works as a bypass switch, so you can
easily make an A/B comparison of the sound
with and without compressor and gate.
Memory A/B
Each memory stores the most recent settings
made for the selected channel.
Click either of these buttons to instantly recall
the stored settings.
Ideal for making quick A/B comparisons be-
tween settings.
Click the MENU button to Cut, Copy, and Paste
the compressor and gate settings to and from
the clipboard.
Select Reset to return all the compressor or
gate controls to their default settings.
Select Comp Presets or Gate Presets to open
the Presets window. Here you can save or load
preset compressor or gate settings from the
presets directory.
A compressor is used to reduce or limit transient
peaks in a signal. As the input level to the compres-
sor increases, the output level increases linearly
until the threshold point is reached. After that
point, the output level no longer increases linearly.
Instead, it increases at a reduced rate determined
by the ratio setting.
The compressor is represented graphically by a
diagonal line across an X-Y coordinate display. The
horizontal axis represents the input signal level to
the compressor, and the vertical axis represents
the output signal level from the compressor. When
the compressor is not acting upon the signal (below
the threshold), the input equals the output and the
line moves diagonally across the display. When the
compressor begins acting on the signal, the output
no longer follows the input signal, but is reduced
by an amount determined by the Ratio control. The
greater the ratio setting, the less the output level
changes as a function of the input level.
There are ve controls for the compressor along
the bottom edge of the window. These are controlled
by the V-Pots located just below them.
Determines the level at which the compressor
begins to act on the incoming signal. It is cali-
brated in decibels, ranging from off () to 0 dB.
Determines how fast the compressor reacts
once the threshold has been exceeded. It is
calibrated in milliseconds, ranging from 1 ms to
100 ms (1/10 second).