56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Programmer’s Guide Intel Confidential 79
+FTM=n none
Transmit Data:The +FTM = <mod> command causes the modem to transmit
data using the modulation selected in <mod>.
The modem returns a “CONNECT” result code and transmits the proper training
sequence in the selected mode, followed by constant “1” bits until data is received
from the DTE. The modem terminates this command upon detecting <DLE><ETX>
characters in the data stream.
If the modem’s transmit buffer empties and the last transmitted character is an
ASCII NULL (00), the modem continues to transmit NULLs until the DTE sends
more data or 5 seconds have elapsed. After 5 seconds have elapsed with an emp-
ty transmit buffer, the DCE turns off the transmit carrier, returns to command state,
and returns an “ERROR” result code to the modem.
Note: Hex $00 replication does not provide the required timing needed for
generating the TCF frame (1.5 seconds of ‘0’s’).
If the modem’s transmit buffer empties and the last transmitted character was not
a NULL, the modem turns off the transmit carrier, returns to command state, and
sends the “OK” result code to the DTE.
Note: If the modem is on-hook, the modem always returns an “ERROR”
message to the DTE after receiving the +FTM = <mod> command.
Range: <mod> = 24, 48, 72, 73, 74, 96, 97, 98, 121, 122, 145, 146
Refer to Table 5-2 on page 74.
+FTS=n none
Stop Transmission and Pause:The +FTS=<TIME> command causes the mo-
dem to stop all transmissions. The modem waits for the specified amount of time,
then sends an “OK” result code to the DTE. The value <TIME> is in 10-ms inter-
Range: <TIME> = 0–255 (in 10-ms intervals)
Table 5-3. Fax Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)
Note: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.
Command Default Description