
56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
12 Intel Confidential Programmer’s Guide
* Value saved in NVRAM. **Command not preceded by an “AT”.
&Wn Stored active profile 0 0, 1 no
&W0 Store in user profile 0
&W1 Store in user profile 1
* &Yn Select stored profile on power up 0 0, 1 yes
&Y0 Recall stored profile 0 on power-up
&Y1 Recall stored profile 1 on power-up
Store telephone number (up to 30 digits) to
location “n” (0–3)
n = 0–3
x = 0–9 A B C
D # * T P R W
@ , ! ;
* %En Auto-retrain control 1 0, 1 yes
%E0 Disables auto-retrain
%E1 Enables auto-retrain
* %Gn Rate renegotiation 1 0, 1 yes
%G0 Disabled
%G1 Enabled
* -Cn Generate data mode calling tone 0 0–2 yes
-C0 Calling tone disabled
-C1 1300-Hz calling tone enabled
-C2 V.8 calling tone and 1300-Hz calling tone
+GMI? Identify modem manufacturer none no
+GMM? Identify product model none no
+GMR? Identify product revision none no
+MS=m Modulation selections
V90, 1,
0, 0
See note
+PCW=m Call waiting enable 0 0, 1, 2 no
+PMH=m Modem on hold enable 0 0, 1 no
+PMHT=m Modem on hold timer 0 0 - 13 no
+PMHR Initiate modem on hold none 0 - 13 no
+PIG=m PCM upstream ignore 0 0, 1 no
+PMHF V.92 modem on hold hook flash none no
+PQC=m V.92 phase 1 and phase 2 control 0 0, 1, 2, 3 no
+PSS=m Use short sequence 2 0, 1, 2 no
a. See the +MS=m description on Table 3-4 of the MD566X Programmer’s Guide for a full command description of parameter ranges. For Data mode, the factory
default setting is AT+MS=V90, 1, 0, 0 to send at speeds of 33,600 bps or below and receive at speeds of 53,333 bps and below.
Table 2-1. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
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