
56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Programmer’s Guide Intel Confidential 23
Note: The W3 AT command reports the special verbose code listed, which is used to evaluate the modem connection. The W0–W2 AT
commands report all other ‘CONNECT’ messages.
When the modem is configured for text responses using V1, the W3 verbose response provides information about the DTE data
rate, connection modulation, error correction protocol, data compression, and modem-to-modem data rate. When the modem is
configured for W3 and numeric responses using V0, the modem responds as if it were set up for W0.
* Value saved in NVRAM.
Note: Default values for #VGP0–2 =n are dependent on board design.
Table 2-13. Manufacturing-Only Command Summary
a. These commands are meant to be used by the board manufacturer and not in generic applications software for end users.
Note Command Function Default Range
* *NCnn Country Select 0
!P=m Set plug-and-play board serial number none 0–255, 0–255, 0–255, 0–255
* S91 Select transmit level (-dBm) 10 0–15
* S92 DTMF transmit level (-dBm) 10 0–15
#VGP0=n Read/write to general-purpose pins 0–7 See note
#VGP1=n Read/write to general-purpose pins 8–15 See note
#VGP2=n Read/write to general-purpose pins 16–23 See note
%TTnn Tone test 00