
56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Programmer’s Guide Intel Confidential 11
&D0 In Async mode, modem ignores DTR
Modem switches from data mode to com-
mand mode when an on-to-off transition of
DTR occurs
When DTR switches off, the modem goes on-
hook and disables Auto-answer mode; when
DTR switches on, auto-answer is enabled
Turning off DTR re-initializes the modem and
resets values except UART registers
&F Load factory defaults none no
Guard tone option (1200 bps and 2400 bps
0 0–2 yes
&G0 Disables guard tone
&G1 Enables 550-Hz guard tone
&G2 Enables 1800-Hz guard tone
&Kn Select serial flow control 3 0, 3, 4 yes
&K0 Disables flow control
&K3 Bidirectional hardware flow control
&K4 XON/XOFF software flow control
Communication mode option — modem sup-
ports only Async mode
0 0 no
* &Pn Dial pulse ratio 0 0, 1 yes
Sets 10-pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make-
Sets 10-pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make-
Communication mode option — modem sup-
ports only Async mode
0 0 yes
* &Sn DSR (data set ready) option 0 0, 1 yes
&S0 DSR is always active
DSR active only during handshaking and
when carrier is lost
&Tn Self test commands 0 0, 1, 8 no
&T0 Terminates test in progress
&T1 Initiates local analog loopback
&T8 Initiates local analog loopback with self-test
* &Un Disable Trellis coding 0 0, 1 yes
&U0 Enables Trellis coding with QAM as fallback
&U1 QAM modulation only
&Vn View active and stored profiles 0 0, 1 no
&V0 View active profile and stored profile 0
&V1 View active profile and stored profile 1
Table 2-1. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
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