56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Programmer’s Guide Intel Confidential 127
10.1.11Divisor Latch Registers (DLM and DLL)
The LS divisor latch (least-significant byte) and MS divisor latch (most-significant byte) are two read/write registers used to set
the modem data rate. The data rate is selected by loading each divisor latch with the appropriate hex value. The programmable
data rates are provided in the following table. For example, to use a data rate of 2400 bps, load a $00h into the DLM and a $30h
into the DLL.
10.2 16C550A UART FIFO Operation
The modem 16C550A UART FIFO works in both interrupt and polled operation. A description of each type of operation is
provided below.
10.2.1 FIFO Interrupt Mode Operation
Both the modem receiver and transmitter UART FIFOs can be set up for interrupt mode operation. The RCVR FIFO trigger level
and character time-out interrupts have the same priority as the current received data available interrupt. The XMIT FIFO empty
interrupt has the same priority as the Transmitter Holding register empty interrupt. Information pertaining to using the receiver and
transmitter FIFO interrupts is provided below.
1) When both the receiver FIFO and the receiver interrupts are enabled (FCR0 = 1, IER0 = 1), the UART initiates
RCVR interrupts under the following conditions:
a) The receive data available interrupt (IIR = 04) is issued to the DTE when the FIFO has reached its pro-
grammed trigger level; the interrupt clears as soon as the FIFO drops below the programmed trigger level
Table 10-3. Programmable Data Rates
Data Rate Divisor Number Divisor Latch (Hex)
(Decimal) MS LS
300 384 01 80
1200 96 00 60
2400 48 00 30
4800 24 00 18
7200 16 00 10
9600 12 00 0C
19200 6 00 06
38400 3 00 03
57600 2 00 02
Register 1
(DLAB = 1)
Register 0
(DLAB = 1)