
366 01-28007-0068-20041203 Fortinet Inc.
SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: A protocol that
supports email delivery services.
SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol: A set
of protocols for managing networks. SNMP agents
store and return data about themselves to SNMP
spam: Unsolicited email.
SSH, Secure Shell: An application that enables users
to log into a remote computer and run commands
SSL, Secure Sockets Layer: An Internet security
protocol that uses private and public encryption keys
and certificates to keeps transactions private.
subnet, subnetwork: A logical network comprising
devices whose IP addresses have the same network
prefix. For example, all devices having IP addresses in
the range can be accessed on the
same subnet. See also netmask.
TCP, Transmission Control Protocol: One of the
main protocols in TCP/IP networks. TCP guarantees
delivery of data and also guarantees that packets are
delivered in the same order sent.
trojan horse: A harmful program that disguises itself
as another program.
UDP, User Datagram Protocol: A connectionless
protocol that runs on IP networks and is used primarily
for broadcasting messages throughout the network.
virus: A computer program that replicates and spreads
itself through computers or networks, usually with
harmful intent.
VPN, Virtual Private Network: A secure logical
network created from physically separate networks.
VPNs use encryption and other security mechanisms
to ensure that only authorized users can access the
network and that data transmitted between VPN
devices cannot be intercepted.
worm: A harmful program that replicates itself until it
fills a computer or network, which can shut the system