
206 01-28007-0068-20041203 Fortinet Inc.
Custom service list Firewall
Custom service list
Add a custom service if you need to create a policy for a service that is not in the
predefined service list.
Figure 89: Sample custom service list
The custom services list has the following icons and features.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send
mail between email servers on the Internet.
tcp 25
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol is a
set of protocols for managing complex
tcp 161-162
udp 161-162
SSH Secure Shell is a service for secure
connections to computers for remote
tcp 22
udp 22
SYSLOG Syslog service for remote logging. udp 514
TALK A protocol supporting conversations between
two or more users.
udp 517-518
TCP All TCP ports. tcp 0-65535
TELNET Telnet service for connecting to a remote
computer to run commands.
tcp 23
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol is a simple file
transfer protocol similar to FTP but with no
security features.
udp 69
UDP All UDP ports. udp 0-65535
UUCP Unix to Unix copy utility, a simple file copying
udp 540
VDOLIVE For VDO Live streaming multimedia traffic. tcp 7000-7010
WAIS Wide Area Information Server is an Internet
search protocol.
tcp 210
WINFRAME For WinFrame communications between
computers running Windows NT.
tcp 1494
X-WINDOWS For remote communications between an
X-Window server and X-Window clients.
tcp 6000-6063
Table 21: FortiGate predefined services (Continued)
Service name Description Protocol Port
Create New Select a protocol and then Create New to add a custom service.
Service Name The name of the custom service.
Detail The protocol and port numbers for each custom service.
The Delete and Edit/View icons.