108 01-28007-0068-20041203 Fortinet Inc.
Changing replacement messages System config
Configure the FortiGate unit for IPSec communication between the FortiGate unit and
a FortiManager server. When you enable this feature, all communication between the
FortiGate unit and the FortiManager server takes place using VPN.
Figure 38: FortiManager configuration
%%EMAIL_FROM%% The email address of the sender of the message from which the file
was removed.
%%EMAIL_TO%% The email address of the intended receiver of the message from
which the file was removed.
%%NIDSEVENT%% The IPS attack message. %%NIDSEVENT%% is added to alert email
intrusion messages.
%%SERVICE%% The name of the web filtering service.
%%CATEGORY%% The name of the content category of the web site.
%%FORTINET%% The Fortinet logo.
Table 20: Replacement message tags (Continued)
Tag Description
Enable FortiManager Enable secure IPSec VPN communication between the FortiGate unit
and a FortiManager Server.
FortiManager ID The remote ID of the FortiManager IPSec tunnel.
FortiManager IP The IP Address of the FortiManager Server.