354 01-28007-0068-20041203 Fortinet Inc.
syslogd setting Log & Report
syslogd setting
Use this command to configure log settings for logging to a remote syslog server.
You can configure the FortiGate unit to send logs to a remote computer running a
syslog server.
Command syntax pattern
config log syslogd setting
set <keyword> <variable>
config log syslogd setting
unset <keyword>
get log syslogd setting
show log syslogd setting
Note: The only command keyword for syslog setting that is not represented in the web-
based manager is the facility keyword.
log syslogd setting command keywords and variables
Keywords and
Description Default Availability
{disable | enable}
Enter enable to enable the FortiGate unit
to produce the log in Comma Separated
Value (CSV) format. If you do not enable
CSV format the FortiGate unit produces
plain text files.
disable All models.
facility {alert |
audit | auth |
authpriv | clock |
cron | daemon |
ftp | kernel |
local0 | local1 |
local2 | local3 |
local4 | local5 |
local6 | local7 |
lpr | mail | news
| ntp | syslog |
user | uucp}
Enter the facility type. Also known as
message category, facility indicates from
which part of the system a log message
originated. Facility can also be used to
route messages to different files. Facility
types are described in Table 32.
local7 All models.
Enter the port number for communication
with the syslog server.
514 All models.
Enter the IP address of the syslog server
that stores the logs.
No default. All models.
{disable | enable}
Enter enable to enable logging to a
remote syslog server.
disable All models.