358 01-28007-0068-20041203 Fortinet Inc.
FortiGuard categories
5. Racism or Hate Sites that promote the identification of racial groups,
the denigration or subjection of groups, or the
superiority of any group.
6. Violence Sites that feature or promote violence or bodily
harm, including self-inflicted harm; or that
gratuitously display images of death, gore, or injury;
or that feature images or descriptions that are
grotesque or frightening and of no redeeming value.
Objectionable or Controversial
7. Abortion Sites with neutral or balanced presentation of the
Pro-Choice -- Sites that provide information about or
are sponsored by organizations that support legal
abortion or that offer support or encouragement to
those seeking the procedure.
Pro-Life -- Sites that provide information about or are
sponsored by organizations that oppose legal
abortion or that seek increased restriction of
8. Adult Materials Sites that display full or partial nudity in a sexual
context, but not sexual activity; erotica; sexual
paraphernalia; sex-oriented businesses as clubs,
nightclubs, escort services; and sites supporting
online purchase of such goods and services.
Sex Education -- Sites that offer information about
sex and sexuality, with no pornographic intent.
9. Advocacy Groups Sites that promote change or reform in public policy,
public opinion, social practice, economic activities
and relationships.
10. Alcohol and Tobacco Sites that provide information about, promote, or
support the sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco
products or associated paraphernalia
11. Gambling Sites that provide information about or promote
gambling or support online gambling, involving a risk
of losing money.
12. Militancy and Extremist Sites that offer information about or promote or are
sponsored by groups advocating anti government
beliefs or action.
13. Nudity Lingerie and Swimsuit -- Sites that offer images of
models in suggestive but not lewd costume, with
semi nudity permitted. Includes classic 'cheese-
cake,' calendar, and pin-up art and photography.
Includes also sites offering lingerie or swimwear for
Nudity -- Sites that offer depictions of nude or semi
nude human forms, singly or in groups, not overtly
sexual in intent or effect
14. Pornography Sites that depict or graphically describe sexual acts
or activity, including exhibitionism; also sites offering
direct links to such sites.
15. Tasteless Sites with content that is gratuitously offensive or
shocking, but not violent or frightening. Includes
sites devoted in part or whole to scatology and
similar topics or to improper language, humor, or
Table 33: FortiGuard categories
Category name Description