
7-2E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1614 Rev 4 5-JAN-2013
7.3 Software
E2 controller versions 2.10 and later communicate
between controllers using the TCP/IP protocol. TCP Port
7238 is the default for connections established between the
controllers. All peer communications occur over this port.
7.4 Ethernet Network
The two types of network options for E2 controllers
using Ethernet communications are:
1. “Closed Network” - E2 devices are not connected
to a st
ore’s LAN. (The only devices on the net-
work are the E2 controllers themselves.) This
ork type is used if there is no need to inte-
grate the network into the company’
s intranet.
2. “Open Network” - E2 devices ar
e connected to
the store’s LAN. (Devices on the network include
E2s and other Ethernet-TCP/IP devices.) This
network type is used if the network will be con-
nected to the store’s LAN.
NOTE: Contact your IT Network Administra-
tor for setup parameters for both closed and
open netwo
The E2 peer Ethernet network fac
ilitates communica-
tions between E2 controllers. Thes
e include at least the
Routing of messages between external entities
such as
UltraSite, InSite, Site Manager, and
non-gateway E2 controllers.
Distribution of global data and other network
variables such as
system time, controller iden-
tification, etc.
Communication between E2 controller applica-
tions such as Remote Login and Remote File
NOTE: The gateway E2 is the E2 controller at
a remote site to which UltraSite directly con-
nects. It is through this E2 that UltraSite com-
municates with the other controllers
(defined as the
“non-gateway” E2s and external entities such as Ultr-
aSite, InSite, Site Manager etc.).
7.4.1 Closed Network Layout
Figure 7-1 - Closed Network Layout