Appendix C: Alarm Advisory Messages • C-1
Appendix C: Alarm Advisory Messages
The table below is a list of all alarm messages that may appear in E2’s Alarm Advisory Log. Each alarm message is
listed by its Alarm Name, which is the text recorded in the Alarm Advisory Log when the error occurs, and the Default
Priority, which is the default priority value for the alarm. A Default Priority of “User” indicates the alarm type’s priority is
programmed by the user during application setup.
Alarm Name
# Of Events Exceeded Limit User A digital value has transitioned ON more times than
its defined Number of Events setpoint.
50/60 Hz Line Clock Is Bad 20 E2 is not successfully synchronizing its clock with
the 50/60 Hz pulse of its incoming power.
A FreezeStat Input Is Too Low User A temperature sensor on an HVAC cooling stage is
lower than the programmed freezestat setpoint, indi-
cating possible coil freeze.
Access Log Lost - CRC Error 20 An internal error has caused the loss of E2’s user
access log.
Advisory Log Lost - CRC Error 20 An internal error has caused the loss of E2’s alarm
advisory log.
Alarm Limit Exceeded User An Analog Sensor or a Suction Group has an input
value greater than one of its high limit setpoints.
Alarm(s) Were Cleared 99 A user has erased one or more alarms from the alarm
advisory log.
Alarm(s) Were Reset 99 A user has reset one or more alarms from the alarm
advisory log.
All Config/Logs Were Cleared 30 A user has performed a clean out on this E2, remov-
ing all programming and stored data.
All Lights On User A Global Data application’s All Lights On input has
turned ON to switch on all the lights.
All network connections used 50 Echelon controller has reached its limit of bound
Alternate Hi Limit Exceeded User An analog value in an application using “alternate”
setpoints has risen above its programmed Hi Limit
Alternate Low Limit Exceeded User An analog value in an application using “alternate”
setpoints has risen above its programmed Lo Limit
Appl Not Keeping Setpoint User An Air Handling Unit or Heat/Cool Heat/Cool appli-
cation has not achieved setpoint for a prolonged
period of time.
Application Cell Is Lost 15 An internal error has caused the loss of an entire
application cell.
Application Config Has Changed 99 A user has changed the configuration of one of E2