
Appendix C: Alarm Advisory MessagesC-13
RX/BX Firmware Update Failed 20 The E2’s firmware update was not successful.
RX/BX Firmware Was Updated 50 The E2’s firmware was successfully updated.
Smoke Detected 30 A smoke detector input on an ARTC/MultiFlex RTU
has detected smoke.
SRAM Memory Corrupted -
30 A problem with memory has resulted in a reset of the
State Switched ‘On’ User A digital value that has been set up to alarm when
ON has switched ON.
Status Config Loss-CRC Error 30 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Stuck 30 MultiFlex ESR controller has detected a stuck valve.
System date needs manual reset 20 The date/time of the box is not valid.
System In Pump Down User The suction pressure has fallen below the pump down
setpoint for a Suction Group, causing shutdown of
the rack.
Template File Bad - CC100 Liq 15 A template file in E2 for a CC-100P or CC-100LS is
Template File Bad - CC100 Suct 15 A template file in E2 for a CC-100H is bad.
Template File Bad - CS100 Ckt 15 A template file in E2 for a CS-100 is bad.
Test Dial Successful 50 E2 performed a test dial-out with its modem, and the
dial-out was successful.
Time Updated By A User 99 A user changed the time in the current E2.
Time Updated Over Network 99 The time in the current E2 was updated by another
controller or user on the network.
Timed Out Waiting For FW Updt. 50 The E2 waited for a firmware update to begin, and it
never did.
Too Many Reboots: Flash erased 50 A number of successive reboots has erased the Flash
Too Many Reboots: SRAM erased 50 A number of successive reboots has erased the
Total On Time Exceeded Limit User A digital value’s total ON time has exceeded its
defined Time ON Total setpoint.
Trip Alarm 30 Generic pulse trip alarm.
Tripped 20 WPK condenser fan or compressor trip.
Unit Ctlr Cell Create Failed 20 The E2 unsuccessfully tried to create a unit controller
Unknown FW Update Attempted 50 An error has occurred during a firmware update of
E2. Call Emerson Retail Solutions service for assis
Unknown Heap Operation Error 50 There is an internal error in the E2 software. Notify
Emerson Retail Solutions service.
Unoccupied Hi Limit Exceeded User An analog value has risen above its defined high limit
setpoint during UNOCCUPIED mode.
Unoccupied Low Limit Exceeded User An analog value has fallen below its defined low
limit setpoint during UNOCCUPIED mode.
Alarm Name