The 16AI, 8IO, and MultiFlex Inputs Input and Output Setup • 9-7
ital, or press to cancel setup.
Figure 9-5 - Data Type Pop-Up Menu
Depending upon what type of input you selected, the
Analog Input or the Digital Input screen will appear. The
analog screen is described in Section, while the
digital screen is described in Section Using the Input Definitions/
Status Screen
In order for the E2 to properly read an input value from
a sensor or transducer hooked to an I/O board, you must
first tell the E2 what kinds of devices are hooked into each
input board point. This is achieved by using the Input
Definitions/Status screen. (SETUP), (DEL/
MOD), (OFFSET), (LOOK UP), and
(CANCEL) are the function keys along the bottom of the
screen available for the Input Definitions/Status screen.
Each record in this screen contains
the following infor-
mation about a point:
1. Type (read-only)
The Ty
pe column will read 16AI regardless of whether
the input board is a 16AI, MultiFlex 16, 8IO, or MultiFlex
Combination I/O board.
2. Board (read-only)
The point’s board number will appear in its point
record under the Board col
umn. All input boards on a
controller will be displayed.
3. Point (read-only)
The point number of each point appears in its record
er the Point column.
4. Type (read-only)
The Ty
pe field shows the output’s data type. Possible
Types are: A (Analog) or D (Digital). If the point has not
been identified, a “-” will appear in the field instead.
5. Application
Select which application you wish to set up inputs to.
Pressing (LOOK UP) when on a defined point will
open the Application Selection menu--a list of application
types currently existing in the box. (CANCEL) will
cancel this menu.
6. Association
If a point has already been defined and is currently
being used by an application, the name of the input to
which the point is connected will be displayed in the Asso-
ciation fi
Association is the application’
s user-defined property
that is associated with the point. Multiple applications
attached to single input will all be displayed in the Associ-
ation fiel
d. Pressing (LOOK UP) on a set applica-
tion will bring up a list of property selections.
ANCEL) will cancel this menu.
7. Value (read-only)
Value shows the sensor value in the units you select for
e input type. Setting Up Analog Inputs
Open the Analog Input screen by selecting an Analog
(A) input from the Input Status screen Figure 9-4 and
pressing (S
The Analog Input screen Figure 9-4 is where sensor
types, units, and default values are specified for analog
put points.
NOTE: When setting up 88s and 8AOs, re-
member that there are only eight usable input
points, even though the 16AI that represents
the 88s and 8AOs in the summary screen has sixteen
points. Only inputs one through eight (1-8) may be de-
fined; all other points will be ignored.
This is also true of 168DOs and 1616DOs. The Multi-
Flex 168DO’s and 1616DO’s digital output’s position
appears as an 8DO, but only the first four outputs are
NOTE: When changes are made to the Appli-
cation or Association fields, data will not be
saved until attempting to arrow off of that par-
ticular board and point or attempting to leave the
screen. If Type has changed, data will be saved and then
the controller will take you to the Setup In screen.