C-10 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1614 Rev 4 5-JAN-2013
Lost Log Data-CRC Error 30 An internal error has occurred in E2, resulting in lost
log data.
Low Battery Voltage 99 The backup battery that keeps the time and date resi-
dent on the E2 main board may need to be replaced.
Low Limit Alarm User An HVAC application (AHU, Zone, RT-100, or
ARTC/MultiFlex RTU) has a temperature below one
of its heating setpoints.
Low Limit Notice 50 Network variable low limit exceeded.
Low Pack Superheat 11 Multiflex Pak ProAct superheat low limit exceeded.
Low Suction Limit Exceeded User The suction pressure has fallen below a Suction
Group’s low suction setpoint.
MIP Receive Buffer Overflow 20 Messages from the Echelon network are coming into
E2 too fast for the controller to process. This might
be caused by an E2 having too many applications
and/or logs running, or there may be too many Eche-
lon devices on the same segment as the E2 (i.e., more
than 63). If this message persists, call Emerson Retail
Solutions service.
Modem Didn’t Initialize 20 E2 attempted to initialize the modem but failed.
Modem Init String Is Not Valid 30 The dial-out initialization string for the E2’s modem
is incorrect and may need editing.
Neuron Not Responding 20 The chip that handles Echelon networking on the E2
is either defective or in a mode that makes it non-
responsive. Contact Emerson Retail Solutions service
for assistance.
No Configuration Template 15 There is an internal error in the E2 software. Notify
Emerson Retail Solutions service.
No Description File 20 The Description File has failed to load onto the E2
when the Echelon device was commissioned. No
description file exists for the Open Echelon controller
being commissioned.
No Refrigerant flowing Va ries
ing on
tion type
Low or no refrigerant flowing.
No update has been received Varie s
ing on
tion type
No update has been received from the output point
connected to.
Normal Hi Limit Exceeded User An analog value has risen above its programmed Hi
Limit setpoint.
Alarm Name