IPMI Controller: IPMI Message Protocol
752i User’s Manual 10006024-04
IPMI Network Function Codes
All IPMI messages contain a Network Function Code field, which defines the category for a
particular command. Each category has two codes assigned to it–one for requests and one
for responses. The code for a request has the least significant bit of the field set to zero,
while the code for a response has the least significant bit of the field set to one.
Table 11-6
lists the network function codes (as defined in the IPMI specification) used by the Zircon
Table 11-6: Network Function Codes
Hex Code
Value(s): Name: Type: Description:
00, 01 Chassis chassis device
00 = command/request, 01 = response:
common chassis control and status
02, 03 Bridge bridge
02 = request, 03 = response:
message contains data for bridging to the
next bus. Typically, the data is another
message, which also may be a bridging
message. This function is only present on
bridge nodes.
04, 05 Sensor/
sensor and event
04 = command/request, 05 = response:
for configuration and transmission of Event
Messages and system Sensors. This
function may be present on any node.
06, 07 App application
06 = command/request, 07 = response:
message is implementation-specific for a
particular device, as defined by the IPMI
08, 09 Firmware firmware transfer
firmware transfer messages match the
format of application messages, as
determined by the particular device
0A, 0B Storage non-volatile storage
may be present on any node that provides
nonvolatile storage and retrieval services
0C-2F Reserved – reserved: 36 network functions (18 pairs)
30-3F OEM – vendor specific: 16 network functions (8
pairs). The vendor defines functional
semantics for cmd and data fields. The cmd
field must hold the same value in requests
and responses for a given operation to
support IPMI message handling and
transport mechanisms. The controller’s
Manufacturer ID value identifies the vendor
or group.