Monitor: Environment Variables
Katana®752i User’s Manual 10006024-04
cpci_remap 80000000 Base address in cPCI space for memory window specified
by cpci_memsize (i.e. 0xC000,0000 from the Katana®752i
maps to 0x8000,0000 in cPCI space)
dcache on Initial data cache state Valid options: on, off
ecc on ECC enable/disable (off = disable, on = enable)
enumerate on PCI enumeration if module is PPMC monarch
(on = enumerate if monarch, off = never enumerate)
eready on Wait for EREADY as a monarch? (off = no, on = yes)
ethport cpsb Specifies Ethernet port
Valid options:
portdbg, porta, portb, cpsb, all
eth3, cpsba, cpsbb, eth4
gatewayIP Gateway IP address
icache on Initial instruction cache state. Valid options: on, off
imageaddr – Specifies address of image booted by bootcrc
Set by bootcrc (no manual setting required)
Valid options: any address in soldered Flash
imagecrc16 – Specifies 16-bit CRC value of image booted by bootcrc
Set by bootcrc from newcrc16 (no manual setting required)
Valid options: 16-bit, polynomial 0xA001 crc value
imagesize – Specifies size in bytes of image booted by bootcrc
Set by bootcrc (no manual setting required)
Valid options: any byte size that fits in soldered Flash
initrd_high 20000000 Specifies maximum memory location to map Linux
Ramdisk (PTMC site peripheral)
ipaddr Board IP address
ipmipresent true Specifies whether or not to query CMM for chassis ID
If false, board does not access IPMI controller in boot
sequence or with getphysloc command
Valid options: true, false
l2cache on Turns the L2 cache on or off. Valid options: on, off
l2mode write Sets the L2 cache mode to write-through or copy-back.
Valid options: write, copy
loadadder 100000 Address to which a boot image is loaded
lxbootargs – Specifies Linux boot string to be used by bootcrc
Valid options: any Linux boot string
model Katana®752i Board model name
netmask Board subnet mask
newcrc16 – Specifies 16-bit CRC value of bootcrc image to use
Must be set manually, external to bootcrc
Valid options: 16-bit, polynomial 0xA001 crc value
Variable: Default Value: Description: (continued)