IPMI Controller: IPMI Message Protocol
752i User’s Manual 10006024-04
Get Heartbeat (OEM)
The Get Heartbeat command returns the current configuration of the heartbeat function
for a specified interface. The response data has the same definition as the Set Heartbeat
request data (see Section ).
Table 11-14 shows the request/response data parameters for the
Get Heartbeat command.
Table 11-14: Get Heartbeat Parameters
Type: Byte: Data Field:
1Bus ID
Bits[7:4], Reserved
Bits[3:1], Bus ID, zero-based
000=Public IPMB
001=Private IIC Bus #1, Private IPMB
111=Private IIC Bus #2
Bit[0], Bus Type
0=Public (IPMB)
1=Private Bus
1Completion Code
2 Bits[7:1], Slave Address of recipient
Bit[0], Reserved. Returned as zero. Ignore on read.
3Send Interval.
The interval in 100-millisecond counts between heartbeat
transmissions. Zero indicates that the heartbeat is disabled.
4 Command/Data
0=Following is a command to be processed. Its reply data is to be
sent for the heartbeat data.
1=Following is constant data to be sent for the heartbeat data.
5:N Command or Constant Data