10006024-04 Katana®752i User’s Manual
Section 15
The Katana®752i monitor is based on the Embedded PowerPC Linux Boot Project (PPC-
Boot) boot program, available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). For instructions
on how to obtain the source code for this GPL program, please visit http://www.emerson-
embeddedcomputing.com, send an e-mail to support@artesyncp.com, or call Emerson at
1-800-327-1251. This chapter describes the monitor’s basic features, operation, and con-
figuration sequences. This chapter also serves as a reference for the monitor commands
and functions.
The Katana®752i monitor uses a command-line interface with the following features:
Auto-Repeat: After entering a command, you can re-execute it simply by pressing the ENTER or RETURN
TFTP Boot : You can use the TFTP protocol to load application images via Ethernet into the
Katana®752i’s memory.
Auto-Boot : You can store specific boot commands in the environment to be executed automatically
after reset.
Flash Programming: You can write application images into Flash via the PPCBoot command line.
At power-up or after a reset, the monitor runs diagnostics and reports the results in the
start-up display, see
Fig. 15-1. During the power-up sequence, the monitor configures the
board according to the environment variables (see page 15-27) and settings in the Board
Configuration registers (see page 6-4). If the configuration indicates that autoboot is
enabled, the monitor attempts to load the application from the specified device. If the
monitor is not configured for autoboot or a failure occurs during power-up, the monitor
enters normal command-line mode.