Backplane Signals: Pinouts
10006024-04 Katana
752i User’s Manual
J2 is a 110-pin female connector (Emerson #01899063-00) that routes cPCI, Geographical
Address, and power signals from the CompactPCI backplane, as listed in the table below.
Table 14-2: cPCI Connector Pin Assignments, J2
Pin: Row A: Row B: Row C: Row D: Row E:
22 GA4 (pulled up) GA3 (pulled up) GA2 (pulled up) GA1 (pulled up) GA0 (pulled up)
21 no connection ground no connection no connection no connection
20 no connection ground no connection ground no connection
19 ground ground no connection no connection no connection
18 no connection no connection no connection ground no connection
17 no connection ground CPCI_PRST_J2* no connection no connection
16 no connection no connection no connection ground no connection
15 no connection ground no connection no connection no connection
14 CPCI_AD35_J2 CPCI_AD34_J2 CPCI_AD33_J2 ground CPCI_AD32_J2
13 CPCI_AD38_J2 ground EP_VIO CPCI_AD37_J2 CPCI_AD36_J2
12 CPCI_AD42_J2 CPCI_AD41_J2 CPCI_AD40_J2 ground CPCI_AD39_J2
11 CPCI_AD45_J2 ground EP_VIO CPCI_AD44_J2 CPCI_AD43_J2
10 CPCI_AD49_J2 CPCI_AD48_J2 CPCI_AD47_J2 ground CPCI_AD46_J2
9 CPCI_AD52_J2 ground EP_VIO CPCI_AD51_J2 CPCI_AD50_J2
8 CPCI_AD56_J2 CPCI_AD55_J2 CPCI_AD54_J2 ground CPCI_AD53_J2
7 CPCI_AD59_J2 ground EP_VIO CPCI_AD58_J2 CPCI_AD57_J2
6 CPCI_AD63_J2 CPCI_AD62_J2 CPCI_AD61_J2 ground CPCI_AD60_J2
4 EP_VIO no connection CPCI_CBE7_J2* ground CPCI_CBE6_J2*
3 no connection ground no connection no connection no connection
2 no connection no connection no connection no connection no connection
1 no connection ground no connection no connection no connection