1974 Jørgen Bodum, the
founder’s son, tkes over
s CEO of the compny. In
the sme yer he introduced
BODUM®’s irst French press
coee mker, the BISTRO.
2010 BODUM® introduces
e-BODUM®, line of electric
kitchen tools. Avilble in
vriety of colors, e-BODUM®
products mke modern,
decortive sttement in ny
Tody Since 1974, BODUM®
hs produced more thn 120
million of French press coee
mkers nd 30million tepots,
nd the compny continues
to broden its collection of
beutifully designed products.
2011 BODUM® opens irst “lb”
shop in Pris feturing product
demonstrtions nd multi-medi
presenttions to give shoppers
hnds-on time with BODUM®’s
growing product ssortment.
1978 The compny home
service nd design center is
relocted to Switzerlnd.
1980 BODUM®’s design unit,
Pi-Design AG is estblished.
This in-house tem of designers,
engineers, grphic designers,
nd rchitects, develops ll
of BODUM®’s products; focusing
on functionlity, qulity nd