STEP 4 – Enjoy!
Press the plunger using your ingertips. Before
pressing, mke sure tht the sfety lid is turned
into the “sfe” position, so no splshing occurs.
Pressing down on the rod seprtes the grounds
from the wter nd stops the brewing process.
Voil! Your perfect cup of coee, brewed
“the BODUM® wy,” is redy to be served.
STEP 1 – Coee
Add 1 scoop (0.25oz/7gr) of BODUM® corse
ground coee per cup (4oz/0.12l) of wter.
Alwys use corse ground coee when using
BODUM® French press coee mker.
STEP 3 – Press
Let the coee brew for 4 minutes. Plce the lid
on the pot with the plunger in the rised position.
Do not push the plunger down yet.
STEP 2 – Wter
To rech the perfect temperture of 195205°F/
9096°C, bring the wter to full boil nd then
llow it to rest for 30 seconds before pouring.
Use wooden or plstic utensil to crefully stir
the coee once you hve dded the wter. Mke
sure tht ll of the grounds re submerged.