This yer mrks 70 yers since BODUM® ws founded in 1944 by my Fther,
Peter Bodum. He ws born in 1910, in smll Dnish town clled Hderslev.
Occupied since 1864, there ws no wy for him to know if his town would
remin occupied for the rest of his dys s it ws for mny of his fmily
members. Lucky for him, he ws fortunte enough to obtin n import
license. He hd little money nd lso discovered tht there ws scrce
vilbility of products. He imported everything he could get hold of from
the UK, Germny nd surrounding countries.
Due to this lck of vilbility, he soon decided to produce items on his
own. The irst of which ws the vcuum coee mker, MOCCA, in 3 sizes.
The second ws the SANTOS (now renmed PEBO in his honour) which
is still celebrted item in our collection tody. PEBO is the product tht
not only chnged the compny but the wy every Scndinvin household
drnk coee. The PEBO ws wildly populr nd soon becme common
ixture in most households. BODUM® continued to produce vrious vcuum
coee mker models throughout the 1950’s nd up until his untimely
deth in 1966. Britt Bodum, my Mother, then took over running the com-
pny herself until I took over in 1974.
Since then, BODUM®, together with its’ design tem, hs developed
mny products. At our core, we will lwys remin focused on coee nd
hve since lso expnded our rnge into brod kitchen collection which
includes our wrd winning e-BODUM® electric collection. e-BODUM® oers
the must hve items such s energy eicient wter kettles nd grinders
to complete your coee brewing process nd well s other well designed
smll kitchen pplinces. Wht you will not ind in the collection is cp-
sule or ny type of ‘redy-mde conveniences.’ For me, tht is like cooking
in microwve. Sure it’s quick nd esy but fr from fresh cup of coee
or te. We hve lwys remined committed to our roots nd core vlues.
This is why we re so hevily focused on mnufcturing more nd more
products ourselves. We explin more bout our BODUM® fctory on p.8.
BODUM® Portugues llows us to control our entire product development
cycle nd mke certin tht not only is our product qulity top notch but
so re conditions for both the fctory workers s well s our environment.
Im very proud of our ccomplishments in running such socilly nd
environmentlly friendly fcility.
In honour of our 70th yer nniversry, we hve re-introduced mny
of our originl designs in nniversry colors nd re oering t their origi-
nl prices! And s lwys, we hope you lso enjoy the new dditions to
the ssortment this yer. We hope you ind them to be simple, user-friendly
nd well designed.