The coee is slowly poured into
n 8oz glss illed with hot,
frothed milk. The coee “stins”
the milk nd cretes drker
lyer over the milk. Then it ll
gets topped o with pure white
fom – mking perfect ltte
mcchito, three-lyer drink.
Ltte is mde with coee nd
stemed milk in rtio of
5:1. The coee is topped with
stemed milk then inished
with stemed milk fom.
Ce moch hs been served
in Itlin-Americn cfes since
the 1950s. It’s combintion
of equl mounts of coee,
hot chocolte nd hot frothed
milk. Tody the hot chocolte
is oftentimes substituted
with chocolte syrup. For the
ultimte sinners it is topped
o with whipped crem.
Ce Moch
PAVINA, p.78
Ltte Mcchito
PAVINA, p.78
Ce Ltte
ASSAM, p.79
Frothed milk
Frothed milk
Frothed milk
or whipped crem
Stemed milk
Hot chocolte