Somewhere in between blck
nd green te production lies
the truth bout oolong te,
which is prtly-oxidized te.
Wheres the green te is not
oxidized t ll nd the blck
te is fully oxidized, the oolong
te vries from very light oxidi-
ztion (closer relted to green
te), up to hevy oxidiztion
nd chresteristics of blck
te. Oolong te is commonly
used to prepre multiple infu-
sions nd trditionl prt
of the chinese te ceremony.
Oolong Te
SKÅL, p.84
Only very limited re in the
Cedr mountins, in the hert
of South Afric is cpble of
providing the right soil nd
climte to grow rooibos. Being
used for centuries by the locl
people, the rooibos cultivtion
nd processign strted only
few hundred yers go. Now
the bush is treted nerly the
sme wy, s it hs been for
decdes. The bush is llowed
to ferment fter hrvest, giving
the te it's disctinctive sweet
nd red cup.
Rooibos Te
PAVINA, p.78
Commonly used in Europe,
dried fruit pieces nd other
prts of suitble plnts hve
been brewed with hot wter
into fruit te or tisne for
thousnds of yers. The bsic
fruit te consists of pple,
ornge, hibiscus nd rosehip
nd is given specil twist
with whtever exotic fruits nd
ingredients is dded to it. Fruit
tes re nturlly ceine
free nd mke the perfect iced
tes for children!
Fruit Te
TITLIS, p.83