GLOBAL Statement
A single GLOBAL statement specifies information that pertains to each report you request.
The GLOBAL statement must be the first control statement specified. This statement contains
keywords that control how the report is formatted:
SYSOUT Specifies the sysout class of the data sets containing the output reports. Only
alphanumeric values are valid. The default value is A.
Each report control statement generates a separate, dynamically allocated data
Note: If the CMF79MSG DD statement is not specified on the job JCL, a
message data set is also allocated to this sysout class.
RUNTIME Specifies (in minutes) the length of time the CMFMON batch session is to
remain active for running reports with realtime data. The range of RUNTIME
values is from 1 to 10080 (one week).
Note: If your reports are produced based on historical data from a data set
(specified with the CMF79 DD statement), this keyword is ignored.
If your reports are produced based on data from the XDS data buffer,
you must omit this keyword.
INTERVAL Specifies the interval lengths in either seconds (S) or minutes (M). The range
of INTERVAL values is from 5S to 3600S. The default is 1M (one minute);
however, if you specify a value of less than 5S (5 seconds), the value 5S is
Note: This keyword is ignored unless the RUNTIME keyword is specified.
SYSID The four-character SYSID that specifies the system on which you want to
produce reports. If you do not specify this keyword, the default value depends
on the data source:
• For historical data from a data set, data from all systems is included in the
• For realtime data, and data from the XDS data buffer, data from the local
system is included in the reports. To obtain data from another system for
your CMFMON batch reports, you not only must use the SYSID keyword
but also must make sure that data from the remote system is available. For
more information, see “Using Data from Remote Systems” on page 63.
RECTYPE Specifies which type of records are to be analyzed. Specify CMF for analyzing
records produced by CMF (this is the default). Specify RMF for analyzing
records produced by RMF.
COMPANY Specifies the title that is centered on the second line of all report headers. The
text must be enclosed within single quotes.
LINECT Specifies how many lines of data are printed before a page break; the default is
60 lines.
Note: If you specify a value outside the range of 2 to 32760 lines, the default
value is used.