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BMC Software
2101 CityWest Blvd.
Houston, TX 77042-2827
Contacting BMC Software
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USA and Canada
In the USA and Canada, you can contact BMC Software by telephone, fax, or email:
Telephone 713 918 8800 (Corporate Headquarters)
800 538 1872 (Customer Support/USA)
408 526 3040 (Customer Support/Canada)
Fax 713 918 8000 (Corporate Headquarters)
408 526 3897 (Customer Support)
Email support@boole.com (Customer Support)
Outside the USA and Canada, you can contact a BMC Software international support center.
BMC Software (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
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290 Burwood Road
Hawthorn Victoria 3122
Telephone: (61) 3 9810 2010
Customer Support: (61) 3 9810 2020
Fax: (61) 3 9810 2030
Email: asiapacific_support@bmc.com
Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America
BMC Software, Inc.
2101 CityWest Blvd.
Houston, TX 77042-2827
Telephone: 713 918 8800
Fax: 713 918 1302
Email: support@boole.com
You can also call the BMC Software office in your country, if applicable.