The following table tells you what you can do with the Screen Customization panel and how to
do it.
The changes you make on the Screen Customization panel are saved according to what you
specified in the SAVE field on the CMFMON Parameters panel, as shown in this table:
Note: Only changes made on the Screen Customization panel can be saved. Changes made
by altering the filter or sort criteria directly on a screen are discarded as soon as
another screen is displayed.
Customization changes are saved in your ISPF PROFILE in a member called CMONPROF. To
discard your customized CMFMON screens and restore the original set, delete this member
from your profile.
To take this action Do this
Sort the data on a screen In the S field, type SD to sort in descending order, or type SA to sort in ascending
• If a sort condition already exists for a screen, an A or a D appears in
the SORT field (see Figure 22).
• A screen can be sorted by only one field at a time.
• In the COMMAND field, type NOSORT to remove sort criteria from a
Include or exclude fields
from the display
To exclude a field from view, type E in the S field next to the field.
To include a previously excluded field, type I next to the field.
Reorder fields In the S field next to the field to be moved, type M , then type A (after) or B (before)
to indicate where the field should go.
Add a filter In the FILTER field, type the operand and the value (examples: >2, =15, =MAK*).
Because filters are disallowed for the SPAG and SRCS screens, input Filter fields
do not appear on the corresponding CUST panels.
Remove a filter Space over the filter in the FILTER field.
If you specify this The result is this
YES Your changes are automatically saved and will be in effect the next time you access
NO Your changes are not saved and are in effect only as long as the screen is displayed.
CONFIRM A confirmation panel is displayed when you use PF3 (END) to exit the screen.
Note: If you use =X or some other means to exit CMFMON when SAVE=CONFIRM,
your changes are not saved.