collection services used to monitor IMS resources and issue
warnings when defined utilization thresholds are exceeded.
IMS RM EXTENSIONS for DB2. Additions to the IMS
Resource Monitor that provide timer-driven data collection of
DB2 region connection and threads.
IMS TA EXTENSIONS for DB2. Licensed option to the
IMS Transaction Accountant that provides integrated
accounting of IMS and DB2 activity through the IMS Attach
product used to produce cost accounting and user charge-back
records and reports.
IMS WA EXTENSIONS for DB2. Licensed option to the
IMS Workload Analyzer that provides
• Timer-driven workload wait and trace data collection
• Displays of the transaction active and wait time for DB2
processing events
• Trace of DB2 subsystem activity
The trace is either summarized by DB2 calls and CPU
usage for DB2 processing or detailed to include call start,
elapsed times, SQL statement numbers, and return codes.
collection and display services used to analyze IMS workloads
and determine problem causes.
IMS WM EXTENSIONS for DB2. Licensed option to the
IMS Workload Monitor that provides timer-driven data
collection of the types and number of calls issued to a DB2
subsystem, DB2 transaction input queue and response time,
and average DB2 CPU time per transaction.
collection services used to monitor IMS workloads and issue
warnings when defined thresholds are exceeded.
IMSPlex System Manager (IPSM). Online service that
provides Single System Image views of resources and
bottlenecks for applications across one or more IMS regions
and systems.
interval data. Cumulative data collected during a collection
interval. Intervals usually last from 15 to 30 minutes
depending on how the recording interval is specified during
product customization. Contrast with historical data.
Note: If change is made to the workloads, a new interval will
be started.
See also current data and realtime data.
InTune. Product for improving application program
performance. It monitors the program and provides
information used to reduce bottlenecks and delays.
IRUF. IMS Resource Utilization File (IRUF). IRUFs can be
either detailed (one event, one record) or summarized (more
than one event, one record). A detailed IRUF is created by
processing the IMS system log through a program called
IMFLEDIT. A summarized IRUF is created by processing one
or more detailed IRUFs, one or more summarized IRUFs, or a
combination of both, through a sort program and the
TASCOSTR program. If the Extensions for DB2 option to
IMS PR or IMS TA is installed, the IRUF includes data about
DB2 calls made through the IMS Attach Facility.
job activity view. Report about address space consumption of
resources. See view.
journal. Special-purpose data set that stores the chronological
records of operator and system actions.
Journal log. Collection of messages. Journal logs are created
for both the BBI-SS PAS and the BBI terminal session (TS).
The BBI-SS PAS Journal log consists of two data sets that are
used alternately: as one fills up, the other is used. Logging to
the BBI-SS PAS Journal log stops when both data sets are
filled and the first data set is not being processed by the
archive program.
The TS Journal log is a single data set that wraps around when
line command. Command that you type in the line command
column in a view or display. Line commands initiate actions
that apply to the data displayed in that particular row.
line command column. Command input column on the left
side of a view or display. Contrast with COMMAND line.
log edit. In the MainView for IMS and MainView for DBCTL
program named IMFLEDIT, function that extracts transaction
(X‘FA’) and program (X‘F9’) records from the IMS system
log. IMFLEDIT also extracts certain records that were
recorded on the system log by IMS. IMFLEDIT then formats
the records into a file called the IMS Resource Utilization File
MainView. BMC Software integrated systems management
architecture. See Boole & Babbage Intercommunications
(BBI) System.
MainView Alarm Manager. Monitor that reads the data
elements produced by products in the MainView window
environment and returns SQL-syntactic statements.
MainView Alternate Access. Enables MainView products to
be used without TSO by providing access through EXCP and
VTAM interfaces.
MainView control area. In the MainView window
environment, first three lines at the top of the view containing
the window information line and the COMMAND, SCROLL,
CURR WIN, and ALT WIN lines. The control area cannot be
customized and is part of the information display. Contrast
with MainView display area, MainView window area.