Step 2 Step 2: Place the RECORD control statement in one of these locations:
The RECORD statement sets global parameters for the CMFMON session. It is required and
must be defined before any other control statements in the JCL. Only one RECORD statement
may be defined for a single job.
(shown in Figure 27 on
page 38)
Defines a data set containing the control statement member for use with CMFMON.
The control statement member must be in the form CMFMONxx, where xx is a suffix
you choose.
Note: If you do not want to use a control statement member in the form
CMFMONxx, use the SYSINC79 DD statement instead of PARMLIB.
SYSINC79 is described below.
(shown in Figure 28 on
page 39)
Points to the UBBPARM data set, which contains the default control statement
member, CMFMON00. Use this DD statement instead of PARMLIB when you want
to: 1) specify in-stream control cards, or 2) use a PDS member named something other
than CMFMONxx.
If both the PARMLIB and the SYSINC79 statements are specified, SYSINC79 is used.
C79OUT DD Defines the data set to which you want to record type 79 data. This data set must be
variable blocked spanned (RECFM=VBS).
To record to SMF data sets, remove this DD statement and specify SMF=YES on the
RECORD control statement (see page 41 for more information).
If you specify DISP=MOD, CMFMON writes records to the end of the C79OUT data
set. Any other DISP specification causes CMFMON to write its records starting at the
beginning of the data set.
CMF79LOG DD Defines the data set that receives messages produced during a CMFMON recording
Table 7. Explanation of CMFMON JCL (Page 2 of 2)
Job Control Statement Description
If you place RECORD here Use this
DD statement
In a control statement member named CMFMONxx, where xx is a suffix
you choose
Directly in the JCL SYSINC79
In a control statement member named something other than CMFMONxx SYSINC79
In a sequential data set SYSINC79